
Astronomy Club, HKUSU was founded in 1959 as the first astronomical organization in Hong Kong. In the past 56 years, we developed together with astronomy society of Hong Kong with our objective as promoting and popularizing astronomy. Many of our past executive committee members still put their utmost effort on spreading astronomical knowledge to the public, or take part in astronomical research, upon graduation from University of Hong Kong.

香港大學學生會天文學會成立於一九五九年,是全港首個成立的天文團體。半世紀以來,本會抱著推廣和普及天文宗旨,和香港的天文界一起成長、進步,建立了不少寶貴的回憶。我們的幹事在投身社會之後仍不遺餘力,或向大眾推廣天文,或從事天文研究, 澳門科學館總館長暨前任香港太空館館長葉賜權先生和著名天文科學家江國興博士就是當中的翹楚。 時至今日,香港大學學生會天文學會仍秉承歷屆幹事的傳統精神,竭力在校內外普及天文。活動除中學生天文班、大學天文班、交流團、迎新營、觀星營和書展外,本會幹事亦經常到中學及社區舉辦講座及協辦活動。