ICA Photo Gallery

ICA Superpass Party

Wish everyone a superpass and good luck in upcoming examinations!

Issue of External Newsletter 2017 Volume I

Apart from copies distributed in halls and HKU campus, External Newsletter 2017 Volume I is now avaliable online.

ICA Carnival 2016

The ICA Carnival 2016 has finally come to an end. Let's recall the great moments in the Carnival. Please continue to support our Clubs' upcoming events!

Registration Day 2016

The Registration Day 2016 has finished. Hope all freshmen can enjoy the enthusiasm of Independent Clubs in Zone 2!

ICA Superpass Black and White Party

Simple joy marks the end of the semester. Let's enjoy the highlights of our Superpass Black and White Party. We wish everyone a superpass!

ICA Carnival 2015

ICA Carnival 2015 has come to an end! Prizes were all given to winners of basketball machine and "Happy Rainbow"! Thank you for joining and stay tuned to our Clubs' orientation activities!

Registration Day 2015 2015.08.13-14

The Registration Day 2015 has finished. Hope all freshmen can enjoy the enthusiasm of Independent Clubs.

Issue of External Newsletter Volume I

1000 copies of ICA External Newsletter Volume I are distributed to students in HKU campus and halls.

ICA Superpass Party

While tons of assignments and deadlines are approaching, are you feeling tired and desperate? Let's take a break and enjoy the highlights of our ICA Superpass Party on 28th April! ICA wishes everyone a Superpass. Good luck in the coming exams!